Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church was established in 1950 as a part of the United Lutheran Church, a merging of the 3 major German-language synods that had been formed in the 1800’s. Bethel originally met in the Town Hall, but 7 lots were purchased and the original church was constructed in 1962. Additional educational and fellowship spaces were completed in 1995.
God created and loves all of creation — the earth and the seas and all of the world’s inhabitants. We believe that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, transforms lives through his death on the cross and his new life, and we trust that God’s Spirit is active in the world. We are part of God’s unfolding plan. When we gather for worship, we connect with believers everywhere. When we study the Bible or hear God’s word in worship, we are drawn more deeply into God’s own saving story.
Pastor Jaime Larson-McLoone
Heidi Suprenant
Jim Lindhorst
Dan Conner
Barb Osberg